lovejonz82 Member


  • I had a cup of chili with saltine crackers
  • Just remember that you are the one putting that food in your mouth, not him. He may encourage you eating whatever you want but you have to be strong enough to stay on the weight loss path. Saying no will only be as hard as you make can do it!!
  • Amber, You can definitely do it. Six years ago I lost 30 lbs by eating better and exercising. Unfortunately I gained it all back plus some once I had a child. My son is now 4 1/2 and I realized that I could no longer blame my weight on having a child. Once I hit the 199 lb mark on the scale it hit me that it was time to…
  • Misery loves company and that is probably why you are getting so much negativity. Try to ignore it and do this for you despite what others around you are saying. You are in control of your one else. You have the power to accomplish losing weight and can do it. It may be tough at first but don't give up because…
  • i still have fast food occasionally. You can basically have whatever you want, in moderation, as long as it doesn't completely through you off track (calorie wise) and you're willing to sacrifice some calories from other meals just to splurge on the fast food. There is nothing wrong with having cheats here and there. I go…
  • The big shocker for me was orange juice. I use to have four servings of it (2 tall glasses) with breakfast easily. Once I started myfitnesspal and started looking at labels I was like whoa!! I had no idea that just 8 ounces had about 22 grams of sugar. Before reading labels I ate all types of food and had no idea that I…
  • You can definitely do it..just take it one day at a time. Doing so is a lot easier than thinking about having to stick with it for the next 5 weeks. You can do anything you put your mind to. Try to envision what you want the end result to be and picture it every time you get tempted to eat something that will delay you in…