Usually it's nothing personal, you just happened to look at them as they had a serious face on.
for me it's not just crossing legs but using stairs without getting out of breath
My body is lean and slim now, just a slight roll of stomach fat that is going down daily. However, when I dieted in 2004 I lost facial fat and looked good. This time my face won't change. Do you think that I need to do an exercises where the face gets sweaty or flushed like running. I walk 6 miles a day an work out but…
I am 5ft 5 and about 138 from 167 in late Jan 2013. Yes, my face feels like it has fat in the cheeks.
I don't have that info right now.
You know that LOOK people give you when you have a fat face. They just look through you. THEN when you have a slim and toned face, they LOOK AT you.
I want to get rid of my 'moon face' and get the face I had 8 years ago!!