Added! I want to speed up my weight loss as well, some supports got to help right?!
Agh I know! Most of the time I feel like i'll never do it but right now I'm taking it day by day... will add you :)
Hi, I'm new to this thread/group and I'm looking for some fellow eating disorder pals! I've had binge eating and compulsive overeating problems since i was 8, didn't know binge eating existed until i was 19 and at 23 am finally in recovery. I've had person-centered therapy for the past 18 months and it's been so helpful,…
Hey, binge eater and compulsive overeater here! I'm in recovery, I've been having therapy for 18 months now and it's soon to end (I've come a hell of a long way). Weight loss is slow and I find it hard to stay motivated so could definitely use a buddy. Have you read 'Food: the good girl's drug' by Sunny Sea Gold? That's a…