

  • My sister took something like that to get the last 15lbs off and it worked beautifully. BUT she had to taper off so not so sure about it.
  • lots of veggies and fish type foods. like shrip and veggie stirfrys. yogert fruit and fiber ceral for breakfest. also Crystal light hunger satisfaction drinks. lots of fiber helps. and at least 2.5 hrs of exersize. but i agree 1000 cals isnt a healthy way to lose weight. its too much
  • i drink crystal light hunger satisfaction natural strawberry banana. it is sweet and so yummy! only 30 cals a packet. i put it in a 7.7 oz bottle soo good. and helps get thrugh the hungreys b4 the next meal....
  • Hey, My name is Andrea. I have always had a weight problem. ... Due to anorexia in junior high till i was 22 i lost a gross amount of weight.... was very unhealthy. My mother got sick with cancer, I broke free from addiction and was pregnant with my first child @ 23...... and for the next 3 years i ate well now 5yrs.... I…