

  • Good for you! Keep tracking and you'll keep losing! The key is to eat a variety of healthy food and not to deprive yourself of some treats, as long as you count them in your tracking. That way you don't want to give up, and you feel excited about what you're doing and accomplishing! Keep it up and you'll be a success. I…
  • I just have to say that I think it's funny that some people don't read their posts before posting. Bad spelling can make your post read completely different than you meant it... And Crankstr, please don't give up!!! You should be the size YOU want to be, but don't do it by depriving yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Don't give up your PB&J or chocolate bars, just make sure they add into your overall calories for the day. That way you don't feel so deprived and depressed. You'll lose more slowly, but you will lose! It's the amount of other things you cut down. Maybe only 1/3 c. of rice with dinner instead of 1/2, and 1/2 a pork chop…
  • Wow! I can't believe no one has noticed that you've lost weight. You definitely look thinner!!! Plus, 9 pounds in one month is AWESOME!!! I just started yesterday, so I have a l o n g way to go, but it helps to see other's success. Keep it up. You can do it!
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