Osdor Member


  • Yay YOU!!! What an accomplishment.
  • Hi, I'm on day 32 of my first round of hcg! Have lost 25 lbs. so far. I was, (of course!), hoping it would be more, but I am SO happy to be down 25 - still a long way to go, but it seems so do-able now. Keep it up. It DOES get easier!
    in HCG Diet Comment by Osdor February 2011
  • Thanks for your support. I think I FINALLY get the one day at a time concept. Heaven knows I've done it BACKWARDS for years - "I'll just eat whatever I want TODAY, and start dieting tomorrow." Guess I just needed to turn that train around! Good luck to you, too!
  • Gee, what a lukewarm welcome to my first post! I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone. However, I obtained my LEGAL prescription for the HCG from a licensed nurse practioner and filled it LEGALLY at a real pharmacy, so I think you may want to check your facts. But thanks for your input anyway. So far I've lost 21 lbs…