

  • Hello everyone, hope everyone has had a successful weekend! I took a few days off from the gym, but definitely got my exercise at home during those days off! We are remodeling/demo'ing our kitchen at the moment, so the weekend was full of swinging a hammer and carrying heavy Sheetrock peices to the dumpster! Today I jumped…
  • Day 3 is going well! I made myself go out in the 7 inches of snow we had today to get to the gym... I'm struggling figuring out what I should and shouldn't do while I'm there...but something is better than nothing! I did the elliptical machine first! - 12 min. and I thought I was going to die!! Hoping that in the next few…
  • Renaegry~ Thanks for adding me as a friend!!! I am so dedicated right now about doing this!!! I am seeing a Dr. right now to help with weight loss goals and she suggested that my goal for weight loss right now to be 174 pounds! That's 20 pounds, but ultimately I should be about 162! I am taking it one step at a time for…
  • I'm New to this, but hoping that the support via web will help motivate me since I don't have a lot of support at home besides myself. Don't get me wrong, everyone says "good Job" but actually getting off their butts and being active with me, and watching our food intake together is null! I started my new "life" (diet) on…