brandnewego Member


  • CW 319 GW 180-190ish Height 5"10-1/2 Hi Everyone ! Looking to lose about 100 - 120 pounds in the next year or year 1/2. Beginning a 8 week summer plan today - July 1 and trying to lose about 40 pounds. Thereafter, looking to continue my loss until I reach my goal. It's not so much the numbers but how I look and feel. If…
  • Hi Cari !! We may be twinsies lol I'm 30 and looking to lose about 100 - 120 pounds in the next year or year 1/2. Beginning a 8 week summer plan today - July 1 and trying to lose about 40 pounds. Thereafter, looking to continue my loss until I reach my goal. It's not so much the numbers but how I look and feel. If i'm…
  • Hi Ashley I'm Alishia and for my first goal I am looking to lose about 40lbs in the next 8 weeks :)...Overall I am looking to lose about 100 pounds in the next year as I am looking to go on a real life changing weight loss journey...Nice to meet you !!