pga02 Member


  • Not looking for haters. Not the kind of message board I was looking for. Oh well :) BTW Kommo I have been eating 1200 calories for months and exercising 5 days a week with no success. Starvation mode is a hoax.
  • I'm not sure why it sounds awful to you. It's a clean eating plan for 30 days, looking forward to detoxing. I have strickly followed a ketogenic diet for 6 months and have not lost a pound or inch. Not giving up!
  • I'm new and in the same place as you. Add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • Hi :) It is time to do this and lose the baby weight for good! I have two wonderful children (5,7) and the body to show for it. lol. I want to be healthy and a good role model to my family. Since I am a stay at home mom I have a hard time controlling my eating, I want to eat chocolate all day long. Are there any other SAHM…
    in Welcome! Comment by pga02 May 2013