nyhynes Member


  • 2 years cancer free after being diagnosed at 33 with triple negative, grade 2 stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. At the time my daughter was 7mths old. I initially had a lumpectomy and 6 rounds of chemo but opted for a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction following chemo rather than radiation (as it was an…
  • My favorite way is shaking it in a container with a 1 tsp of olive and a bit of Montreal Steak Spice and grilling it on the top rack of BBQ.
  • I was also diagnosed with triple negative BC in June 2012. It's such a an overwhelming diagnosis with lots of twists and turns and no clarity. All my treatment and surgeries are behind me but now my biggest issue has been getting out of the emotional eating Ive done to cope with it all and to try and get my butt moving…
  • I would be one! Can't believe how similar our stories are with the exception of my daughter who came 7 months before I was diagnosed I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 BC. I was 33 at the time. I just finished treatment at the end of December 2012 and opted for a double mastecomy with immediate reconstruction rather then…