Some things I do: 10 almonds. A few slices of low sodium deli turkey and/or cheese stick (Colby is bomb) A cheese stick and half an apple sliced is one of my faves. Greek yogurt w/ fruit Milk. If you notice you get that slump at 3, eat one of these at 230. Then drink a big glass of high quality H2O.
Stop drinking juice. If you must, water your juice down, or blend it with a handful of ice. I pretty much stay away from juice and limit my fruit intake to 1/4 cup frozen mixed berries occasionally and the morning 1/2 banana added to my protein shake. Increase your protein and sugar won't even be on your mind. Also, unless…
Hi! I'm in Lexington and would like to have some exercise buddies. We could meet for walks or drop in a yoga class. I have a gym membership to LAC. I also have a tennis court next door.