alijpizza Member


  • ^ lol so awesome! :))) i have lost 72 lbs with all kinds of different methods and techniques over the last year and a few months, and have found that when i eat more often (but smaller meals) i am not as hungry and don't binge as much. i stumbled onto this discussion looking for reasons why eating more often would be more…
  • I just read about an MIT study that suggests the cravings are due to a lack of serotonin and increasing seratonin will help curb cravings and reduce moodiness. They suggest low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate snacks. The recommendation is a snack containing 30-35 grams of carbohydrates with no more than 2 grams fat,…
  • i am glad i am not the only one having a hard time with stairs and even the toilet! i can manage but there's a little grunt sound and a slower movement pattern that goes with it! ;-) i had wondered about taking a pain reliever myself but know that it's a good idea to listen to your body when it's in pain, i.e. with knee…