deannavanzee Member


  • Me also... my 8th pregnancy and i weigh more starting than i did full term with my 1st, plus 20lbs. I am nervous because my cholesterol is high and my blood pressures not great.
  • Staying away from the scale worked!!! I drank a ton of water because a thread said if one is not used to working out then our muscles will hold onto the water in shock. Today I am 10 lbs lighter :) very encouraging. I also added a huge calorie day this weekend because I think that may have been a little too fast.
  • I am 7 weeks PP. I started out at 150 lbs which is 25 lbs heavier than my normal weight. I had gained 30 lbs after a horrible miscarriage and bleeding that put my body into shock and almost killed me. I think depression may have had a role in that as well. I started getting fit to prepare to try again but did not loose…