

  • Welcome! You will find it hard at first but once you get in the habit of tracking your food and exercise, you will find yourself wanting to do it just to see where you stand during the day. I have only last a pound in a month but gained 3, lost them and hopefully will lose that 10 lbs the sort of appeared over the last…
  • You are so right..i was 147.5 when i joined about 2 weeks ago. A week later after lots of excercising and tracking my food I found I had gained 3 lbs. Discouraged I kept on and realized I wasnt eating enough. (funny how that works) Today I weighed in and lost those 3 lbs. Keep up the good work and I hope you and your hubby…
  • I'm a newbie too. My sister-in-law was nice enough to share this with me. I hope to get fit and lose those nagging 10 lbs the holidays gave me. Keeping track with help me stay away from the snacks. :)