

  • You DO look fabulous. I think maybe you perception of self and self esteem might need a little work. And even if you did have a bit of fat on your abdomen, you should have. It's the way God made women....even though our society seems to gamorize the so-called "perfection" of an anorexic look. I would really quit worrying…
  • Not so! Other creepy behaviors include being over complimentary to the point of smarminess, always complaining about one's spouse and then asking if you're married. Being hit on by someone who knows you're in a relationship is, to me, not complimentary. It's creepy and disrespects the institution of marriage.
  • Yes, I have. Look him straight in the eye and calmly and firmly tell him that you come to the gym to work out and that he needs to quit shadowing you. Now, he may not get it. I had a creep that kept asking "what did I do? Admittedly men are confused about this but I think that once put on notice women have the right to be…
  • Yes, I have. Look him straight in the eye and calmly and firmly tell him that you come to the gym to work out and that he needs to quit shadowing you. Now, he may not get it. I had a creep that kept asking "what did I do? Admittedly men are confused about this but I think that once put on notice women have the right to be…
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