

  • Age: 21 Height: 5'7 SW: 128 CW:120 GW:112 I am also a 75% raw foodist, 90% vegan (sometimes I cave and eat fish!!!) and my diet is gluten free! :)
  • Also, on the honey front, I am a big fan of manuka honey, my stance on it is that it is a fantastic natural product. As I am more health orientated I see honey as something that has been used for years for skin care and health, and manuka honey works wonders!
  • Hey! I'm actually pretty much a raw foodist (75% of my diet is raw) and I generally tend to stick to veganism although like you I do end up eating fish every now and again (albeit only recently). I'd be interested in recipes, I am a bit of a health freak and I avoid gluten as well as dairy products too.
  • I used to have a really bloated tummy, and found my digestion was awful despite eating ridiculous amounts of fruit, but I began to drink Green tea every morning, and usually have ginger tea throughout the day. At night I drink another tea (mainly chamomile) and ever since I started the regime I noticed straight away my…