Smileyfacedana Member


  • Yes I have!!! I left a pair of 16 capris hanging where I could see them everyday. I started at a 24 and I did get into them. I even went on down to a loose 14.....sadly I am back up into those 16...but I am working on it!!! I also had a motivational wall in my small closet to see daily. It was full of quotes and pictures…
  • OOOOOOOOOOHH MY GOSH!!! NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!!!!!! AM i RIGHT????? hahahah!!! before my time, but i did like them!!!!
  • hi..............OK, I want some MFP girlfriends too!!! :) Now, I know I am 47years old, but I don't know what nkotb is??!!! Would someone please tell me so I don't feel so old!! HA!! I am alot of fun to have around!!! The girls call me techno challenged, but I do ultrasounds so I am not a lost cause..haha!!
  • Hi!! I would love a friend request!! Girl, listen, we are all just doing the best we can. I have done MFP off and on also, and I am like in with the thought that this must change as a lifestyle. I need to loose 40lbs. also!! Girlfriend, I had gastric bypass 5 years ago...went from 320 to 160 and I am back to 200 now. There…
  • Way to Go!!! That is absolutely wonderful. Keep up the great work!!!
  • Hi, I am 47years young and boy, is loosing weight getting harder and harder. I also welcome any friends over 45. But, let's not call ourself 45years and older.....INSTEAD....45years and younger. Because the number doesn't matter. It is about how we feel about ourselves and that starts with a positive attitude and getting…
  • Hi, I am with you all!! Today is my DAY 1. Listen, here is what I believe. I had gastric bypass 5 years ago. I am back UP to 200lbs., but God isn't done with me yet and I REFUSE to become obese again. EVERY DAY IS NEW. EVERY HOUR IS NEW. WE ARE MORE THAN WHAT WE EAT. WE ARE MORE THAN A NIBBLE HERE OR A BITE THERE!!!…