BurnTheFatFeedTheMuscle Member


  • There are two pains in life. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons.
  • I have both and wear both. I bought the Fitbit because it was cheaper than the Nike Fuel Band and did more things. I was then given the Fuel band as a gift and while the Fuel Band is flashier if I had to pick I would go with the Fitbit. My Fuelband tracks "Fuel" points which is a cool little display that grows from red to…
  • I generally have 2-3 cheat meals a week to eat "normally" with friends, take care of cravings and remind me how crappy I feel when I have crappy food. I'll do cheat days for special occasions such as Thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday, etc.
  • 6 pm is not some magical time in fat burning world where your body shuts down and everything you eat gets stored to fat. The reason this is brought up so often is because the average person eats their biggest meal of the day (dinner) after/around 6 pm and the average person will not move the rest of the night because they…