
  • This is probably really late reply since it was a couple of years ago but I would by far go with rower. The Concept 2 is great. The people at their store are so nice. I've had mine for 5 years and have called them periodically over that time and they are always willing to take time to give me suggestion and ideas for…
  • I would check out They have several workouts that are ready to go and all listed out for weeks at a time. But I would also say that you can use your own body. Such as sit-ups, reverse sit-ups, squats, push-up... It's amazing what you can accomplish by just working with your on weight. Squats are one of the…
  • Well, you taken the first step and every journey begins with just that. I would suggest doing a pic of you now and then do another in about 30 days. That really shows you how far you come. Because like you said 1 to 2 pounds just doesn't do it for most of us. I would also suggest doing some weight training to many women…