

  • Roast them in a little olive oil until desired tenderness, and then add some balsamic vinegar for taste. I hate asparagus until I tried it cooked this way!
  • I want to go back to Canada's Wonderland and ride the behemoth without having to have two of the ride attendants jump on the safety bar to get it to latch. That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I was so sure that they would make me get off the ride. And although I did get to ride, the bar was digging…
  • 1. To be able to walk into any store at the mall and find something that fits me properly. 2. To feel as confident as I make people believe that I am. 3. To be able to go to amusement parks and not have to worry about whether or not I will be able to get on a ride. 4. To look great in a bathing suit. 5. To go a whole year…