sparkyreb Member


  • The first week I took them 500mg twice daily I had a couple of near misses. I spoke to my Doctor as it was another who started me on them and they should of said take 1 with meals for a couple of weeks then 2. Ive been on 1 for a while but my BG has been slowly creeping up post 2 hours so back on 2. gotten used to them now…
  • Well done.
  • Ralph, Glad to hear the op sorted out your problem. What was it? My mom was diagnosed type 2. shes now on insulin and has retinopathy and all manner of grief from not properly managing it 25 years ago. Gas bubble to reattached the detached retinas. Cataract removal. you name it she's had it. Luckily for me I learnt from…
  • What an inspirational post. You go girl. :-) I'm a newbie here myself. Add me if you like. we all have different reasons for why its the journey there that's the exciting bit. :-)