nataliebmadueno Member


  • I actually have my weight set about 5 lbs lower in my HRM than what my scale says so that way i can be sure im not overestimating. besides 5 lbs could easily be water weight or a good bowel movement lol
  • I figured it out!! Lol somehow my date of birth got changed to may of 1901....pretty sure one of my kids did that one. So if i live to be over 100 now i know i shouldn't eat anything if i want to maintain my weight Maybe an apple every couple of days
  • I was just riding around in circles around the tennis courts at my apartments. There is a bike trail, but my kids get tired too soon for me so it's easier if I just have them bring toys and their bikes and we all ride around in circles lol its a mountain bike with 6 speeds, i keep it on the speed with most resistance. And…
  • I've tried updating my app but that didn't work.
  • The second part. The first picture is just to show what i ate and exercised that day. When i pressed the complete button it says im going to weigh 277 in 5 weeks. I weigh 147 right now
  • hey, im fairly new too :) . my sister introduced me to mfp. about 3 weeks ago. when i started i had 35 lbs to lose. it may not seem like alot but when your barely 5ft tall 35 lbs can look and feel like quite a bit. my sister really helped boost my self esteem when i went to visit her and my mom. i just got tired of feeling…