

  • For me, it was more realistic to eat 1450 calories then anything in the 1200 range. If I am starving I am more likely to binge eat. The first week was the worst at 1450 but now I have figured out what foods work and what don't. I think you will have more success if you consume more calories. I would be an angry hungry lady…
  • I read foodbabe.com and 100daysofrealfood.com in regards to non GMO foods. Love Michael Pollan's books too; he's a great read if you want to know about real food. Can't forget the documentary Food, Inc. check that out too!
  • it's not a green one but I have added Kale, spinach, etc. before! 1 cup of grapes 1 cup of strawberries some flax seed or chia seeds and optional an orange soo good whipped up in my Vitamix!
  • Consider buying a heart rate monitor to see how many calories you are actually burning at the gym? I just bought one and it's great!! I also don't eat all my calories that I burn at the gym (not that I am an expert by any means) good luck.
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