gail4721 Member


  • Sometimes you are just not eating enough. That would cause you to plateau.
  • i think I might just give it another try. I will be 51 at the end of May and have kept a steady 238-241 doesn't seem to want to go anywhere. I will try to focus once again on me and my heath and log my meals. Good luck to all. Let's give this another go at it.
  • Keep strong...dont give up just yet. Not sure why, but what seems to work for me is eating high FIBER cereals for bfast. I seem to like frosted shredeed wheat..the malt o meal brand is cheaper and works .i hearthe brand name company came out with a crunchyversion for those who dont like shredded stuff...and I also like…
  • keep your memory sharp and your your mood elevated...Dr Oz's Brain Boosting Smoothie: 1 banana, 1/4 cup blueberries, a handful of Hemp nuts, 1/2 cup apple juice and 1 cup rhodolia rosea
  • Thanks I am going to check the HUNGRYGIRL website for some ideas too!
  • Congratulations! Such a good feeling and a great accomplishment. Add this to your successess!!!
  • What does it mean when people put BUMP on the post? I love your husky he yours? I have a 13 yrs old husky and my daughter has an almost 1 yr old husky.
  • or replace the syrup with applesauce for a change and less calories...some of the flavored musslemanns applesauces are delish!
  • can't you portion them out and freeze them?
  • thank you I LOVE WW recipes! I will definitely try them out I really appreciate it :bigsmile:
  • in the past the charts were 5' tall = 100lbs and every inch over that was 5lbs so you are definitely where you should be...anything less would be unhealthy for you. 5'2' =110lbs 5' 4" = 120lbs etc
  • my 25 yr old daughter has gotten great results. when she started she didnt think she could get thru it. Luckily for her she stuck it out and lost weight and inches. keep it up you WILL see results good luck with it
  • I am a chocoholic...I could eat it for Bfast lunch and dinner!!! lol NEVER EVER deprive yourself!!! It will get you off track for reaching your goals. If you want store bought chocolate...try the 100 cal packs that are out there...I think Nabisco makes them...brownies, cookies, snack sized cakes. Take your time and eat…
  • One week at a time is a good idea. Before you know it that one week will be 2, 3, 4 and more. Little successes are your best bet. As for going out to a friend's house for a party. YOU CAN DO IT and don't have to feel guilty. Just eat at home before you go there. Stay away from the food/snack table. For every alcoholic…
  • Try it and then adjust the seasonings for your particular taste. If you dont tell anyone it's turkey, they most likely will not know. They do taste really good.
  • i've had this and it was delicious!
  • try looking on she usually has great recipes
  • muscle is more dense than fat, but whether it is 50lbs of feathers or 50lbs of rocks it is still 50lbs
  • WOW! I am not alone. I know what to do i know how to do it but the hardest part is getting motivated and staying motivated. Okay people...The BEST advice i can give you is to put yourself first...Track what you eat...when you eat...why you you felt after you ate...and schedule in some "ME TIME". Whether it's a…
  • WW does work if you follow it as does any plan. Right now it is FREE to join.Good if you need a kickstart. I just completed the 17 week program and it gave me motivation and awareness so I didnt overindulge during the holidays. The weekly weigh in does help me stay on track. I am not too keen on the newest program because…
  • this sounds yummy...i am going to try it.
  • 3 - 6lbs by Christmas is definitely do-able. I could probably do more if i set out to. right now a loss is a loss so I will take it. I just dont want to gain any more.
  • CONGATULATIONS!!! Accept your weight loss and embrace it. Do not make it anything less than the success it is. (by saying it's only 39lbs not much in 11 months) Get that negativity right out of your head and keep going forward! You are amazing and have an amazing,l healthy weight loss. Plateaus happen and everyone loses at…
  • :smile: Did you do something to upset them that they are retaliating this way? ha ha sorry but I think they should've given you a head's up,but hopefully you have a garage where your four-year old can start his garage band. good luck
  • Welcome!!! I would love to encourage and support more friends :)
  • Well, do you like juice? Try the V-8 Fusion or get you a fruit and/or veggie serving in one. I dont like tomato juice so i tend to favor the V-8 varieties. I had to experiment cuz I wasnt quite sure about all the flavors until i tried them. good luck.
  • You need to make time at least once a week to PLAN out your meals and snacks. It might take an hour or so...maybe while visiting your boyfriend he would help you. then PRE-PACKAGE portion sized healthy snacks granola bar, carrots, dehydrated apples, fruit.etc Your meals should probably be the Healthy Choice or Smart Ones…
  • Well, there are a few different ways. One way would be to take one week at a time and strive to lose SOMETHING. After that week is over start again and say you wil lose that week too. before long all the "one week losses" will add up. Another way you could achieve a mini goal is to make a chart and log your progress. I…
    in minigoals Comment by gail4721 April 2011
  • You are probably eating more calories than you are burning off. You have the right idea dont get discouraged. Now that you've asked you will get responses that should help you. Lots of good ideas on MFP and lots of people who genuinely care. Good luck on your quest.:happy:
  • Welcome. You and I are alike in that we know what we have to do and how to do it we are just having a hard time following thru. WW always will work if you follow it. The hardest part is logging what you eat but yet on the flpside of the coin by logging it makes you aware of your choices. MFP will work too. My daughter got…