dradams13 Member


  • If you are Hungry, eat the calories. If not then don't. Just make sure you eat enough.
  • I am going to try to, i am just getting back into this so I do the same stuff at the gym everyday. 20mins on the bike, 25 on the treadmill walking briskly. I wrecked my knee so no running. I will do the olliptical sometimes if i am feeling brave, but it is a little awkward for me. My arms and legs are very fit, but my core…
  • No your not the only one. I go alot too now. I think its normal, and healthy. it should slow down eventually, once your body gets used to having water around.
  • Hey! Keep it up! You can do it. It might not be visible to you, but I bet other people notice, they might not want to say anything. Who knows, who cares. This is about you. Your clothes might not change because they are the same old clothes. Have you gone shopping lately? Either way there is no reason to quit. You said you…
  • I agree. P90X assumes you are fit and in shape at those weights and caloric intakes. I started it and actually put on weight until I dropped to the lower level. Now I am trying to get to a certain level before I start p90X again.