

  • I think carbs are the best way to get energy especially if you do some sort of intense excercise. I recently went vegetarian on a high carb diet, and during swimming workouts i dont feel as tired (or even hungry) as i did before. My advice would be to stick to the 'good' carbs. Whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat…
  • Are you exercising? Remember Muscle weighs more than fat. Sometimes, the number on the scale it's just that: a number. Maybe you are leaner but since you gained muscle you are not seeing any progress. If you are not, just start over, don´t give up!
  • Well, It is sad :c But right now I realize that I would rather to have a smaller cup that be fat :/
  • Well, I boil and mix them with tomato, onions, coriander, a little bit of vinegar and salt. Tastes like ceviche (It is) but its healthy and I think its delicious
    in Shrimp Comment by blaiwa July 2011
  • Tuna salad (Tuna, lettuce, corn, tomato, lemon and green pepper) :D Yayyy.