Sylvia529 Member


  • you need to reload... for 1 or 2 days you need to eat "whatever" you want, but keep it under control. I hit a plateau and had a healthy breakfast, 2 snacks and then a burger and some sweet potato fries from BK, then yesterday i had some popcorn at a movie theatre and im starting to go down again. its good practice to…
  • what i have realized that its not the actual number on the scale that matters, its inches lost. I have been working out 5x a week for the past 2 months and i have lost, but every once in a while ill step on the scale and see a 1 lb weight gain. don't get discouraged, just keep working hard. muscle equals results because…
  • your company is always having a party or ordering food and you ALWAYS decline.. then you proudly go to the kitchen and make your shake :)