

  • I love this app SO much! I've only trained through week six but was able to run the entire Color Run yesterday here in DC. You guys are such an inspiration to keep going. :) Dragon1ady - those are some great looking shoes.
  • Flab - That's GREAT! I'm doing The Color Run here in DC on Sunday. Cannot wait. :)
  • That's incredible! Great job. :)
  • Speaking of achy body parts, how does everyone handle their rest days? I'm finding that my body misses the movement on days off. Any tips? Yoga? Stretching?
  • I'm a big Mizuno fan myself. They have a fantastic website. So glad to see other Zombie Runners on here. I too am training for the Color Run. My goal is to do another 5 K, then a 10K and then Tough Mudder next year. You guys are keeping me motivated that's for sure!