bdfarms Member


  • So far staying on track. I'm holding steady at 145, but know that by Friday I'll have dropped a couple of those lbs. I'm exercising and staying below my calorie count so I'll work at doing this the rest of the week and see what happens.
  • I'm afraid I gained a little over the weekend but I'm doing better now. Weighing in at 145 now. I walked a lot this past weekend on vacation, but wasn't in an area to be able to record it. I will start back on Monday with a serious weight loss healthy habit attitude !!!!!!!!!!
  • I have lost 2 lbs. since August 1. I exercised walking app. 2 miles per day at a fast pace 3 days, yard work and cleaned house app. 10 hours for the week and Zumba 1 hour. I usually average drinking app. 60 - 75 oz water per day. This wasn't bad considering this was my birthday weekend and I went way over my calorie…
  • I am in and will start on the intermediate track. My current weight is 146. Let's do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Starting the month of August off with Zumba tonight : )
  • Watching your calorie intake and exercise ( walking) are the 2 keys I think. You should really check with your doctor before starting any type of diet plan, that is very important. Another great exercise choice is Zumba, it is alot of fun and you meet lots of nice and fun loving people. I have found that high fiber foods,…
  • I don't know for sure, but I bale and load hay frequently during the summer months. I would think the calories burned would be close to the same as a good zumba or aerobic work out. I know when I bale and load hay I sweat buckets and my heart rate elevates. Good luck and drink plenty of water, dehydration in the hay field…