

  • I need motivation so feel free to join me :drinker: // I suppose this site doesn't link up to fitbit? Will it ever?
  • I agree completely. and by no means am i starving. I gained all my weight back by NOT watching my calorie intake and eating what i wanted when i was bored, sad, angry, etc. not not actually hungry. If i had been living off under 900 calories a day for a year, or even six months-then i suppose i wouldn't have a weight…
  • correct. I dont wait until I'm starving, otherwise i will eat anything and everything. I just listen to what my body tells me. If i start thinking about what sounds good, i know i'm hungry. so i eat. and i eat slow and watch portions. I think my whole issue comes from not exercising a ton. If it did, i'm almost certain i'd…
  • Not starving, just not getting to my 1200 calorie goals. having hypothyroidism doesn't help either. to be honest, I dont exercise like i should, and i sit at a desk 9 hours a day with 20 min to be able to get up and walk. So I was doing well and lost a bunch of weight, kept it off for two years and then stress of losing…
  • Same issue with me. Never hit my calorie mark, always under 1,000. But i drink water with 2 Tbls of orange juice to keep blood sugar levels from dropping so it doesn't make me as hungry. I only eat 1-2 times at most- a day.