1. I sometimes take a picture and try to estimate the calories for the individual ingredients later. 2. I try to pick an item from the database that I've tried and know is similar. 3. If I simply have no clue at all, I just Quick Add 500 calories for it.
1. I feel like you need do-overs, as you learn/adopt healthier habits and behaviors. I've gained some weight back, but in losing it again I've been more "efficient" and less likely to do or eat something that is a fad Wish you success on your do-over.
No ban on any food. If I want something, I'll make it fit . Maybe not right now, maybe not today, but tomorrow or in a couple of days. Knowing I can eat whatever I want if I program it has made me not want to overeat- why waste delicious calories unnecessarily? :#
No, its not stupid. Besides, your birthday, Christmas and New Years are just 3 days out of 19.
Being consistent. I've been super frustrated with long stretches of no significant weight loss but I never stop trying to eat better and exercising. Eventually the pounds and inches come off.
The importance of strength training. In the past 4 months I've lost roughly the same amount of weight as a year of doing only cardio.
Hot bod hands down. :smile:
When I had lost about 15 pounds. Mainly people that I hadn't seen for a while were the ones that noticed.
First: Butt/Thighs Last: Stomach/Back