

  • My goodness -- you look UH-MAZING!!! Great job!!! What is YOUR secret!?
  • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ GAH! I totally needed to read this today! I was not able to work out yesterday (and failed to do so this morning), but I will pick back up this evening. I need to forgive myself, pick myself back up, and keep moving…
  • Hi Maria! Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with you, and don't let yourself tell you otherwise -- you are HUMAN, and humans need to eat! Don't beat yourself up over the slight weight gain. (I'm laughing at myself right now because I tend to beat myself up the same way you do...but it's always easier to GIVE advice than receive…
  • I'm not a doctor, but something doesn't seem quite right. It sounds like it is a "system shock" or some method of tricking your body into weight loss. Too risky, if you ask me. I've been using MFP since September 2013 (and have lost 25 pounds) just by logging in my food and exercise. The only changes I made to my lifestyle…