wildbio Member


  • New to this thread; I hope it is not too late to join. Name: Jenn Age: 36 Height: 5'2.5" Start Weight (1st April):131.2 (actually March 30th) Goal Weight (1st May): 128 Final Goal weight: 110 1st April: 131.2 8th April: 132.2 15th April: 22nd April: 29th April: 1st May: Weight lost/gained this week: +1.0 lbs Weight…
  • I say I am 5'2" on a good day but it has to be a REALLY good day. I'm more like 5'1.5" on any given day. I'm also a veg-head. I am looking to lose about 15-20 pounds. If this sounds like you too, feel free to add me!
  • Effffff. Scale is going in the entirely wrong direction. I'm 130.2 today. TOM showed up today so hopefully that explains it. Dammit.
  • 128.6. Pretty sure that's the same as last week. Grrrr.
  • I'm in! Hope it's not too late. I'm 127.8 today. The highest I've been in quite a while (at least I think; the scale and I broke up for a while). But hopefully my fellow pinups will help keep me on track and I'll be back down in no time! Woot! Here we go!
  • Buahahahahaha!!!!! This is so wrong. And awesome.
  • I totally stole this idea. Great thinking Rach!
  • Okay, I'm getting back on the wagon! Here are my February goals: 1. To go to the gym 3x per week 2. C25K, I think I'm on week 5, so let's go with be at week 8 by the end of the month (I hate running, so this is major! hahaha) 3. To only eat out 2x per week (almost every night right now) 4. To log EVERYTHING on the…
  • Wow! You definitely can call yourself Minnie-r Mouse! You look fantastic.
  • No worries, Rach! You're one busy pinup! Thanks for putting this together every week. Unfortunately, I did NOTHING to contribute to the loss this week. Instead I gained 3lbs. So this week marks a "new" beginning and hopefully some better results next week!
  • This has been happening to me too. Thanks for posting the question!
  • Thanks a ton Rach! Even though I was late getting my number to you! My goal this week is to lose SOMETHING! ANYTHING (besides my mind, which happens all the time). I will stay under my calories every day this week, damnit. :)
  • I'd love to get in on this too! I'll send myself a reminder to weigh in on Monday and send it to you. Yay pinups!
  • I work out in the woods for a living and actually seek these creatures out! Hahaha! But I will tell you that if you run in the wilderness do it during the middle of the day; it is the least likely time these critters will be out and about. Cougars and mountain lions are the same thing. They're basically like giant, vicious…
  • Booze is my big killer too. I try to keep it in check but am not very successful at it. Booze puts me over my calories almost every time. Because you like beer, my only suggestion is to work out on days you know you'll be going out later. That way you can drink your deficit. :) I like microbrews so any kind of "light" beer…
  • I want in too! I'm 5'1" and change (I say 5'2" on a good day, hehehe) and 121.0 pounds. Which I have been stuck at for over 2 MONTHS! I can't seem to rid myself of these last few pounds. So frustrating! Hopefully this will be the kick in my *kitten* I seem to need. Thanks for the great idea!
  • My boyfriend and I live about 150 miles away from each other and have been together for about a year and a half. Although we didn't meet online we have been long distance the entire time. I actually like being long distance! What makes it tricky is that we both have very good jobs that don't transfer easily. He has just…
  • I use nutritional yeast all the time (dairy free here) but if you're just looking for something to substitute actual cheese, try looking into soy cheeses. They have fewer calories and some of them still melt pretty well. Definitely worth experimenting with if you're looking for a change!
  • Hi there! I was vegan for over 6 years until I started adding some eggs to my diet a couple years back. I still eat vegan 80-90% of the time and have been vegetarian for over 15 years. And who doesn't love music?!?! Feel free to add me. Welcome!
  • I picked mine because I'm a wildlife biologist and it seemed like it made sense at the time. My first user name was my first and middle initial with my last name but for some reason it didn't feel nearly as close to who as I am as my name now. Go figure! Hahaha
  • I had the low sodium lentil vegetable soup for lunch. I like Amy's when I don't have time to cook for myself. She gets the job done for me! And being a veghead it's nice having options.
  • I was vegan for about 10 years before starting to eat eggs again. I try to only eat eggs from chickens I know but will eat free range eggs as well. I do not eat any meat or dairy. Also, my boyfriend is a carnivore. Feel free to add me as a friend or ask any questions you might have. I'm happy to answer them! Being vegan is…
  • That doesn't sound quite right. You might want to double check the HRM. If you're soaked in sweat then you most definitely should have burned more than just 32 calories.
  • I'm a dairy-free vegetarian. I do eat eggs but everything else in my diary is vegan-friendly. Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • I'm a 32 DD as well (at 5'2) with a small waist and ribcage and can say it definitely depends on what you're wearing and how you're wearing it. I try to minimize my ta-tas as much as possible but when I see pictures of myself in outfits I think do that, I look heavier. When I wear outfits that I think look a little too…
  • I have a pair of shape ups and was using them off and on and I did feel a difference after I would take them off. They are wobbly and I think that's the idea. I sprained my ankle recently (not from the shape ups) and haven't been able to use them again yet. But I plan to! I would use them to walk to the grocery store about…
  • I'm 5'2 (on a good day) and I'm trying to get around 110 or so. I'm finding that my body is VERY stubborn when giving up the pounds so new friends with ideas and support would be greatly appreciated too! Feel free to add me and we can work at it together!
  • That is fantastic! That's a great victory. One of many more to come!
  • I'm with emmaleigh. How do your clothes fit lately? What lifestyle changes have you made that you never considered over a year ago? I know it can be easy to be discouraged and to spiral but if you see how far you've come to this point and realize those 32 pounds are NEVER coming back, I think a happy dance should be in…
  • If you want to run the gamut of healthy/indulgent recipes, I recommend www.vegweb.com. They have all kinds of recipes to choose from. Most of them are vegan but they can be modified to suit your needs. They have it broken down by category so it's pretty easy to find something that you're in the mood for. Good luck on the…