

  • Ah thats the best feeling isn't it. Which song was it? I've been working on Hot Limit from the 5th mix but still can't get past standard on my home mat. I envy you playing heavy. I'm only just starting to get into it and my feet can't seem to keep up.
  • Fitting back into my size 10 (australian) pants. I'd almost given up on wearing them after a silly shopping spree but they finally fit. And only really a month into my recontinued journey so can't wait to see what happens next.
  • Looking forward to losing a little so that I can draft out patterns for costumes easier. I don't think I'd go all the way to skimpy but it would make it a hella lot easier to make jackets fit properly. Not impossible now but would be easier without a muffin top.
  • Blair - Soul Eater Asuka Plug suit ver - Evangelion and possibly sailor moon. But losing weight would be nice to be able to just be able to widen my character choice to cosplay many school uniform ones since it doen't look too good now.