

  • p.s. do you find there are many men on here or are you somewhat alone in that respect? It's normally us women who are trying to diet so I always feel for any men who also want to lose some weight in case they don't have anyone they can relate to?
  • Join the club! Had the worst day ever yesterday; hit McDonalds big time and managed to consume nearly 2000 calories in just one meal...and it didn't even seem that big. Today has been better though but this time of the month is a real minefield. Chin up. It happens to us all. The thing to do is not let it set you off on a…
  • I'm from the Uk. I'm with Diet Chef. Anyone from Norfolk or Suffolk way? Stella x
  • Hi there, I'm from the UK but happy to be a virtual transatlantic buddy if you like. I'm dieting with Diet Chef and have lost 4 lbs already. Doesn't sound lots but Rome wasn't built in a day n all that. Good luck with your dieting. Stella x
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