

  • This is what I started for myself and if anyone would like to join me, I would love it! mlbqueen -Starting a new 30 day "leg" challenge for myself and anyone who wants to join in: starting with 250 squats and 3 sets of 20 lunges the first day with an increase of 5 each day thereafter. I am really wanting to improve my legs…
    in Day 7! Comment by mlbqueen May 2013
  • This is what I started for myself and if anyone would like to join me, I would love it! mlbqueen -Starting a new 30 day "leg" challenge for myself and anyone who wants to join in: starting with 250 squats and 3 sets of 20 lunges the first day with an increase of 5 each day thereafter. I am really wanting to improve my legs…
    in Day 7! Comment by mlbqueen May 2013
  • Sorry it's so late getting back to you. I finished that challenge on May 24th. I just started another challenge for myself four days ago. Add me as a friend if you would like, It is nice to have others to relate to.
    in Day 7! Comment by mlbqueen May 2013
  • Thanks I am on day 22!
    in Day 7! Comment by mlbqueen May 2013
  • Thanks I am on day 22,
    in Day 7! Comment by mlbqueen May 2013
  • I am on day 22. I plan on starting over after my 30 days are done. My butt and legs are the areas I need to focus on most. Jump in any time and we can encourage each other! It has been fun seeing what types of squats produce the best results for me.
    in Day 7! Comment by mlbqueen May 2013
  • People who make excuses for not exercising: my sister in law (up and down with her weight ever since I met her 14 years ago) yoga is bad for you wrists! My mom ( over weight all her life) I can't drink water it makes me sick. Or I can't do "that" (pick anything) it makes me hurt.
  • Hi! It is nice to have friends to help keep you motivated. Add me if you would like. I am doing the 30 day squat challenge (it's awesome) and I workout at home doing some type of cardio and weight training. I was down but things happened and I gained some back. I need motivation and accountability. I have been logging my…
  • Good morning! I am alway looking for fitness friends that challenge and motivate me! I would enjoy sharing and encouraging you also! I did P90X last year and did awesome, I have let some weight come back and really need friendly encouragement and even a little competition. I have 23 lbs I would like to loose.
  • I see so many kind words. It helps to hear others stories. I really need a partner to help me keep on track. I seem to get discouraged easily. Anyone who feels they could help me in this journey and would like a partner in eating right and staying on track with exercise is more than welcome to add me! I was down to 135 lbs…
  • April 25th -I just found this site and started this challange today. I heard about it from someone at my sons' school. I finished my 50 squats and i feel it! This is the are I need the most help in.