

  • My journey started on Saturday, November 26, 2011. At the time, I was weighing in at 155 lbs. (obese for my height of 4'11") and wearing a size 18 pants (not exactly sure on what my dress size was at the time; but I'm thinking somewhere around size 16 for dresses). I've made a personal weight goal of 115 lbs. (which I'm…
  • I'll give it a try too & I'll even give some other "hints": Height: 4'11" Maintaining about a 20 lbs. (overall) loss since starting my journey on Saturday, November 26, 2011 Starting weight was: 155 lbs. (left pic; taken August 20, 2011) Right pic: 127 lbs. (taken: November 26, 2012; 1 year into my journey) Guess my…
  • The only time I DON'T log drinks is if I'm drinking plain water... Otherwise, it gets logged (even the water that I flavor with Propel Zero Grape packets gets logged; (no calories, fat, etc. in the Propel, but it DOES have 30 mg of Sodium per 1/2 packet serving), therefore, it gets logged. That way I know where I'm at with…