

  • i smoked for 9 years (since i was 15) and i knew I wanted to quit but it was so difficult. One day I drank too much with friends and ended up with the worst hangover of my life. I couldnt bare the thought of smoking a cigg. the thought made me sick. After that day I didnt touch a cigg for 2 months. One day I was tipsy with…
  • i just saw a nutritionist and she told me that you can have 2 carbs and 1 protein in the morning. So this can be a slice of whole wheat bread (1 carb) with almond butter (protein) and 1/2 a banana (carb). its perfectly fine.
  • it's best to eat fairly soon after a workout. If you are doing strength traning it is important to get protein in your body asap so your muscles can begin to repair. A piece of grilled/pan seared/baked/broiled chicken or fish with some greens would be best. I used to drink a green smoothie after. This didnt really satisfy…
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