figaro67 Member


  • Samsung s6 for both, I am using right now. And as far a why, well I think I can blame my glasses or just not paying close enough attention when logging it in.
  • Ugh, why can't I see everything else I typed? My walk/hike is at the same place, a oval track. The issue I am having is as I log them, it shows the same location but with different calorie counts. Also on the ones that were labeled as walks, it does not register the actual mile I walk, it says 0.0 mile. I do know the…
  • And here I am again. I fell off the weight loss wagon for a few. Don't think I gained but I know I did not lose any during that time. I am trying harder to track my food and since its still coldish outside I am walking a mile on the treadmill. Trying to add some hills to it with a 4% grade too. Adding more water to my diet…