fleuriefirst Member


  • Oh, and DO concentrate on all the things you CAN have and CAN do and Are Proud of in yourself! Make a list if necessary and look at it every time you need to... Half if not all the battle is to fill the thinking void with so Much of Everything you Can do and Can have and even Can eat! - then There's just no time or room…
  • Oh I so have the same problem! I have found increasing nibbling raw carrots, substituting honey-and-applevinegar as a hot drink (clean teeth soon after), banana (one small to medium), diet sodas, meat consommé-type soup (miso, Bonox,) and other vegetable-based thinnish soups, even protein drinks (I use skinny milk in mine)…
  • grains is fine - but how about mixing them up - and use 'whole' rather than refined. For carbs they are part of a _good__ balanced_ diet - what we all need as lifestyle not fad dieting, and they provide other than 'just' carbs eg. fibre, vitamins, minerals and help feeling satiated. The total calorie count is much more…
  • my favourite way at the moment is water which is just off the boil (after!) with 1 tabsp ACV and 1 teasp honey to start the day (winter down under, perhaps I'll do cold water in summer?). Yummy! After about 1 month I'm almost an addict ;-) I find it not only curbs the appetite but also the diuretic effect makes the scales…
  • Oh WOW Congratulations and may all the Many Happy Returns bring not one pound (or Kg) more - but lots of happiness You look Great! and bring hope to all the rest of us :flowerforyou:
  • agree with you! Also in addition to coffee, water, tea with no milk, I find a meat extract drink (stock, Bonox, Bovril, OXO???) great for feeling satisfied with virtually no calories, though they do bump up the sodium intake:flowerforyou:
  • I too am no expert - far from it - but I'm doing the 5:2 fast and find on the non-fast days I also go into hunger drive. Wonder if it's because some of those extra calories are sugars - Deadly!?! Just a thought. Also remember hunger pangs go off quickly if you don't give in. Just find something else to do to redirect your…