

  • So who was the biggest Meatball loser? ... it wasn't me...
  • Welcome :smile:
  • Totally bad useless calories...and think of the money your saving not buying it!!!! (okay still trying to convince myself everyday!!!):grumble:
  • oh my ..... everyone is doing so good.... I have had 2 good days after a "naughty" weekend....will plunge ahead with good eating/workouts for the Meatball Title of the week!!!:happy: Keep up the good work Meatballs!!!!
  • Fun-Fun!!!! Anyone else???, lets say...get your weight in by Sunday midnight (your time) for final weigh in on Friday to be entered in a chance to be the first weeks biggest MeatBall loser!!! :smile: I'm down a smige...(& yes I tried the scale 3 times in hopes of being lighter!)
  • Challenge....I challenge all other Meatballs to a 1 week, who can lose the most weight by Friday March 23 12 pm pacific Must disclose weight now & start. I Neller am starting at my morning weight of 147.4 pounds.
  • I'm in....definitely the weight loss challenge...say who can lose the most weight by Friday March 23rd? Winner get's bragging rights as Biggest Loser Meatball!!!! for week one..... :laugh:
  • loopylou: Definitely...well I dare you than!!! we are on the same day by the sounds of it. I have none in the house..but a 6 pack of apple cider which is warm in the spare room. Outa sight..Outa mind:wink: Good luck on surviving the weekend...I know I can do it!!!:bigsmile:
  • ttv2004: DON'T do it!!!!! you need to remove all empties to...they remind you that you are out. I find more room in the fridge for Vegtables than the wine box!!! :wink:
  • definite difference, keep up the great work!!
  • I'm Nell at 5'1, with 2 kids & hubby. Looking to lose 25+ pounds elimating bad food/drink choices & upping my workouts. Going back to work & busy kids in sports...found me enjoying coworker treats, exhausted & wine in evenings as "my time". NO MORE....I'm determined to be looking like my profile photo ASAP, well close to…
  • You can do it!!!
    in Hi Comment by Neller125 March 2012
  • I'd be interested to be a buddy supporter...I'm looking to loose 25+ pounds on my 42 yr old body...which is no excuse for where I am now. :sad:
    in Hi Comment by Neller125 March 2012