cstanesic Member


  • Hi! There are some of us active here and we are using the Anyone Still Out There thread. Please join us for conversation. Some of us have been using the program for quite a long time and have been very successful and some, like me, are relatively new. I look forward to hearing about your journey! PS-Feel free to friend me!
    in Hello Comment by cstanesic February 2013
  • We are doing Fast Track and I do not yet count sugars and carbs because, theoretically, we should not be having any. I know that green beans, all potatoes and carrots are big no-nos. Also onion is used sparingly. Most other vegis are okay. I hope that helps a little.
  • Everything here is rolling along. We had a weekend where we spent a lot of time sitting around a place with traditional concessions. I tried very hard to plan ahead and bring drinks and snacks and it went very well. We even went to Waffle House with the kids late on Saturday and ate to plan. The chef at WH had to ask three…
  • PS-Why doesn't my tracker show up on my posts? Nevermind, I got figured out!
  • I am back! I have been in Alabama with my daughter for a three day swim meet. That means three days of sitting in the stands bored with nothing to look forward to but what we will be eating later. I amazed myself at how close I stayed to the plan! We even went to the kids favorite burger joint and I had a yummy loaded…
  • Such good results! Way to go!
  • Oh how I hate cottage cheese day! I don't really care for eggs but they are better than this!
  • I have been cooking my kids (14 and 17) the same things we eat but adding a starchy side to their plates. I really am not tempted by Kraft mac & cheese or buttered noodles. I even made them twice-baked potatoes last week. The scale is still going in the right direction which is just what I want. I am already keeping an…
  • That sounds really good. I think that coming up with something tasty within the confines of the plan is pretty fun but I need to watch fat and calories even if the ingredients are on the approved list. I would be very unhappy with sauted chicken and HALIBUT every night. I would like to try one of the Hellman's recipes…
  • Great to have you BeeMarieG! I am so glad that people are getting on the BFC bandwagon with us! I usually try to find a friend or neighbor nearby to diet with but not this time. Since my husband and I are both doing it, I sort of want it to be sort of private around the 'hood. That said, it is nice to have someone to…
  • I knew that it would be the case today but I am still bummed that the scale hasn't moved all weekend. We didn't eat the FT menu on Saturday but didn't have anything we were not supposed to. That was fine I guess. Sunday was the issue. We went to the Falcon's playoff game and here are the highlights... Bad news: I had two…
  • Great idea about recipe swapping. I am embarrassed to admit that most of what I'm cooking is like what I would have cooked before. We just do not have a starchy side. Last night was the first time I had to make some modifications because my recipe called for cream of mushroom soup. I just used fresh mushrooms and bulked up…
  • Thanks for sharing your story. It is so easy to put everyone first and forget the old "Secure your own oxygen mask first" way of thinking. I have a very dear friend who has a very similar work situation as you seem to have. Although there is flexibility there is also more pressure on her shoulders because it is the…
  • Good morning! I don't mind you asking at all. I started officially on Sunday but I was already down a little from not being so nutso like I was during the holidays. I just weighed in and get this...I am down 7.6 pounds! I am almost a little freaked out about it. It has been no big deal so far to stick with it (besides…
  • I know I should be only doing official weekly weigh-in but I cannot keep off the scale! I cannot believe how many pounds I have lost already! I am so psyched about keep it up. It makes me wonder why this program doesn't get more attention.
  • Okay, I have just had the first meal on the Fast Track plan that is grossing me out. I do not think I will be having cottage cheese again. The walnuts were not a help either. I need to choke this down so I can go yoga but ugh!
  • I am so glad to see other people coming into (or back to) this group. I was sort afraid that the BFC was "so last year". As with most fitness/dieting trends I know that people want NEW! I had read about many different plans before choosing this one for my hubby and I. The more I read, the more I think we have made a…
  • We have officially started! My sweet hubby wanted us to have one last hurrah today but I am so ready to get started. We have decided to do the BFC Fast Track meal plans (as close as we can to) exactly like Jorge has them mapped out. I am so used to WW and manipulating the plan to suit myself that I think I need to start a…
  • Good Morning MSNIQUE2, Thank you for the friend request. I have not yet started officially because me husband didn't want me to start without him. I guess that tomorrow will be the day then. I did throw away A LOT of sugary foods (and ones with hidden sugar) out of the frig and pantry yesterday though. Are you doing the…
  • My book came today!! I have plowed through more than half of it and I guess it didn't occur to me that there would be no carbs/sugar calculations in it. The Fast Track is just a meal plan. He REALLY suggests that you follow the meal plans as written. Can anyone tell me about their experiences the the FT meal plans? I am a…
  • I am glad to see that people are still using this diet. My book is literally in the mail! I have been reading everything I can online while I wait for it. I could lose up 20lbs. but by hubby has much further to go. I have been doing WW on and off since my son was born (17 years ago). The plan has changed so much and it has…