

  • me too this weekend. it sucks for son plays baseball and i am at the baseball field all weekend around junk.
  • hi brooky, i have the same problem you do. i think i can definately stand to tone some more but i dont want to lose much weight. i tend to get boney looking. i like the meat having my kids put on my bones. i need to lose the mommy belly too. how do you do that??? sometimes i feel like i will never do it.
  • cant wait til i am under 130... good for you.. i have about 9 more pounds to go.
  • i have to agree. i have been sick all week and i looked at my exercise report and was so disappointed. luckily i stayed someone in my calorie range. but i didnt lose much. i also tried on a bathing suit this weekend and wasnt happy at all...
  • i have to agree. i have been sick all week and i looked at my exercise report and was so disappointed. luckily i stayed someone in my calorie range. but i didnt lose much. i also tried on a bathing suit this weekend and wasnt happy at all...
  • i have to agree. i have been sick all week and i looked at my exercise report and was so disappointed. luckily i stayed someone in my calorie range. but i didnt lose much. i also tried on a bathing suit this weekend and wasnt happy at all...
  • i would have to say my arms and my legs....when their tanned.
  • can anyone tell me how to calculate the heart rate range i should be in to lose fat??
  • yeah girl you need to eat your 1200 calories otherwise your body thinks you are starving and holds on to the fat.
  • thanks everyone, its been very helpful knowing when i need to cut back on food and when i need to step up the cardio...:smile:
  • hello all, i just started. i need to lose at minimum 10 pounds to have a healthy bmi and avoid cardiovascular disease....