There's actually a bunch of calculators on the web for it. I use several of those and calipers and take an average, but really, they all pretty much say the same thing anyway. Sadly, lol.
Starting Measurements 4/1 Weight: 122 Body Fat: 25.9% Waist to Hip Ratio: 0.70 (Good) Bust to Hip Ratio: .84 BMI: 20.9 Bust: 32 inches Waist: 26.5 inches Hips: 37.75 inches Upper Arms: 10 inches Thighs: 22 inches Calves: 13.5 inches Lean Body Mass: 90.36 pounds Fat: 31.6 pounds End of Month 1 (Phase 1) 4/29 Body Fat: 25.6%…
I forgot, I wanted to throw this out there in case it could actually help someone. I started taking Creatine Monohydrate last week and it's really, really helped me with being sore. I missed my workout Monday so I had to double up and missed that cardio break on Wednesday and I can honestly say I wouldn't have made it…
Hey guys! New here but I started Jillian when you did, just didn't find this forum then :P. I actually haven't been following her meal plans but I am watching what I eat and restricting calories accordingly. One recipe that you guys might find handy (and it does have a lil tomato in it, but there's so lil it can probably…