kendylyndie Member


  • These are my babies... I hope the links work! This is my first time posting pictures.
  • Don't push your comfort level if you're not ready for it. But like everyone else has said: nobody's here to put you down, we're all here for the same reasons and that's to encourage and support one another in the journey to a healthier lifestyle! I think posting your weight will definitely be hard at first, but you'll be…
  • I do that too, but I just had an idea that I'm going to try: take healy food/snacks with you when you go places, and set the alarm on your phone to go off at certain times to remind yourself to eat.. It might be worth a try anyway! :happy:
  • I totally know where you're coming from, it kills my knees too. The only thing I've found is to modify where I can (not go as deep or jump as high) and I try to wrap both of my knees. I have a brace to wear on one of them and then I wrap the other with an ACE bandage. I agree with you though, this video is not worth more…
  • Going to start tonight - so glad that so many other people have the same idea :) I'm excited and can't wait to see the results! CW: 160 GW: 145 Rt Arm: 12" Bust/Chest: 37" Waist: 32" Stomach: 36" Hips: 40.5" Rt. Thigh: 23" Rt. Calf: 15"
  • currently: 11/12 goal: 8 fantasy: 6
  • "Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford "You've got three choices in life: give in, give up, or give it all you've got." "Who is the happier man: he who has braved the storm of life and lived, or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?"
  • Hello fellow shorties! :) I'm 5'3" and currently at 164 (down from 179 about a year ago), so it's slowly but surely coming off. My goal weight is 140 by this summer. I'm determined to wear a bathing suit in public this year!