

  • I did taebo today bootcamp elite. I love taebo. I get a full body workout. I love my treadmill too, but taebo makes me feel like i have done a great workout!
  • Count me in! Saturdays are bad days for me as well! I am looking forward to this challenage! Low fat, high exercise and plenty of water! I think I can handle that! I am going to have keep myself busy. When I am not doing anything, I am look for food. :blushing:
  • I am not sure how accurate this website is, but check it out! This may help with your counting your calories with Taebo.
  • It's been two weeks since my last post. I was really feeling overwhelmed. I was feeling like I did not have time for ME! I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back on track. Thank all of you for your encouragment. It's good to know I am not alone. I have made a vow to make myself a priority and not feel gulity…
  • Hi Annalaura! I completely understand. Trying to lose weight is serious challenge. I honestly believe the only way to take it off and keep it off is to do a lifestyle change. Once the pounds come off and we go back to eating junk again the pounds are coming back to. I don't know if you like to drink water, but when I go…