

  • For what its worth this book help me a lot The power of habit by Charles duhigg. Really taught me why I did what I did instead of temporary solutions
  • I also started a C25K and was having the same problem, my calves were cramping way before I was getting winded. I tried stretching, drinking a ridiculous amount of water, heating pads before and nothing helped.. But then someone suggested taking a rolling pin and rolling my calves, I wrapped it in a thin towel and did this…
  • I just started this last week with Guy Hoffman's c25k app'. Its hard but possible. Good luck
  • Onglyza works for some people really well. Either way 5.7 is a great number. No matter what drugs I am on or how much I eat or don't eat at night. I am always high in the morning.
  • It is available on amazon instant video - free with prime, but only a couple bucks otherwise.
  • Sounds Delicious... I am going to have to try that. My favorite Salmon Dish is called Alaskan Fire Cracker Salmon, not the healthiest thing, but the best salmon I have ever tasted. Google it if you're interested
    in Salmon Comment by michaeloro April 2011
  • Great post. I love MFP for diet and excercise On a side note. I recently found a great app for tracking glucose and a1c, its called ontrack. It can email you a bunch of different kind of tables and graphs. Comes in handier than writing it down on paper everyday for my Dr to look at.
  • I was taking metformin/glipizide twice a day and hated it. 5 weeks of dieting and just a little exercise and my blood sugar is normal, even better than normal. It is truly amazing... Stick with it. good luck
  • Pretty sure that shake is around 600 calories of deliciousness for a small, so I think 1000 is about right.. I love that place