Mine is usually in the high 80's. It'd be lower if I let off the vape. (Which I'm finally cutting down to zeros times a day starting tomorrow.) I know my blood pressure is much better since I got back into jogging. It was fine before, but the upper end of high. Now it's about mid-range.
I know this thread is old but I want to say that I'm so proud of you ladies. I see the weight loss tickers at the bottom of your posts and it shows that you've all lost so much weight since you posted. Awesome job!
I'm confused on what you've been rejected for. I've only gotten dirty looks from people while in a bathing suit or getting a second plate at my local buffet. I've never been outright rejected for anything really. But I do understand a guy not saying "yes" when I asked him out. Rejection hurts. For every 10 people who say…
Oh I know! I have a potluck for my work tomorrow and I'm making LOADS of goodies. Combine that with a crazy, frustrating weekend and I want to eat it all. Especially the cream cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers. So far I'm doing well. I've got two batches of those peppers left and I'm guzzling sugar-free kool…
I just wear my Medical ID bracelet. It is a locket type so it has emergency contact info and my insurance info inside it as well as my medical information.
I usually want to exercise more right before because I start to gain water weight and I freak out. Otherwise, I don't notice if it makes cramping worse or better. Seems the same to me. Seeing my bloated figure gets me motivated and pushes me harder.
I'm in the same boat as you. I've gone down to twice a day and take my lunches for much deserved 'me time'. I hope you reach a good solution. I'm weaning off the pump myself. (N.B. My son is 9 months old.)