

  • I am 5' 5" and currently about 190 lbs. I used to be 145 at one point about 2 or 3 years ago and wasn't happy. However, looking back at my old pictures I don't understand why I thought I was so big. Well, it was probably because I had so many super tiny friends. I would LOVE to be 145 again.
  • Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean my opinion doesn't matter. In general all I'm saying is why eat just to eat? Why not eat when you're hungry or because you need to. I believe there is no need to eat back your calories and that's my opinion and others too. Yes what was said was a little rude, but who cares?…
  • I never said you didn't know anything about losing weight, so why are you attacking me? I'm saying that you become overweight by eating too much. If you eat when you're not hungry just because you can you will most likely gain weight. It seems like a simple principle to me.
  • I totally agree. Why eat back the calories you've worked to burn? I would only eat back a few if you were feeling really hungry. (You may want to try drinking water before that.) To me eating back calories is like saying "I'm going to eat more because I can, not because I'm hungry". That is how people become overweight in…