BrendSherwood Member


  • Huh, weird how things can change. Over the last week I've come to the conclusion that Core Cardio is the most boring workout in the world and that Speed 2.0 isn't so bad after all. I want to find something to substitute Core Cardio for (as its the only part of T25 that I'm struggling to push myself through). Thinking that…
  • @skinny4me2be‌ Yup, I'll be doing Gamma (I'm using T25 as my "practice" for doing P90x3 afterwards so some extra strength work will be really helpful). I had a look at Speed 3.0 last night... Oh dear. That's just... How can...
  • FINALLY got to start Beta this week (someone should have warned me years ago that kids were a bad idea - seriously, they're a bunch of snot-dribbling, flu-carrying monsters. All of 'em. ;) ). Core Cardio and Dynamic Core are ok, Speed 2.0 is bloody horrible and I hate it and I don't wanna! But Rip'T Circuit and…
  • Hey guys. Had to have a week off last week as the youngest oh-so kindly gave me her cold/flu/snotfest bug, so working out and eating properly was the last thing on my mind. So this week is my last week of Alpha and then (FINALLY!) on to Beta next week. Despite not being able to give 100%, I still enjoyed Total Body today.…
  • Down about 1.25lb this week, more than I thought it'd be considering I've had a few "off" days with my food.
  • It does get easier! :) The first week was a combination of awful and laughable for me (I still have zero coordination nearly a month on) and I can't say I've honestly nailed a single workout yet. But you know what? That doesn't matter. If you keep at it and (to cheesily quote Shaun T and the Beachbody brainwashers) Do The…
  • Been an odd week this one. I landed funny doing something (probably either in Speed or Cardio) a few days ago and have been nursing a sore ankle. Been trying to do the workouts (carefully) anyway but getting thoroughly fed up and disheartened with my lack of performance. Did Abs today and I feel absolutely AWESOME after.…
  • Not much of a shift in measurements this week, but down another 2 lbs. :)
  • Total Body out the way this morning. Doubt I'll be able to squeeze Abs in as well, not if the two snot goblins have anything to say about it, anyway! I'm starting to not hate Total Body so much - I'd even go as far as saying I enjoyed it a bit today! Stockholm syndrome perhaps?
  • Having that today, funnily enough. The kids are both coming down with a stinking cold so they're more than a bit demanding right now. Combine that with a couple of bad night's sleep and I feel thoroughly "meh" about the whole fitness thing! Gonna have to try and do a double tomorrow morning before everyone gets up, but at…
  • Leg day done. Not looking forward to Cardio and Total Body in the next couple of days - my knees have been really really tight this week. Oh well, no pain no gain and all that rubbish!
  • Sod everything else, my only goal in life now is to do a Heismann Crossword without stumbling or tripping over my own legs. (Speed 1.0 done).
  • Didn't get any stretching or yoga in yesterday and man did I notice today! My hips were so tight I couldn't even do the high knee lifts until I did a separate warm-up. Not my best performance ever, but I got there in the end. Remember kids, when Shaun T tells you to stretch, you make sure you do it! :smiley:
  • Weight: -0.5lb (BOO!) Chest: +0.5" (BOO!) Arm and Thigh: +1" I was quite disheartened when I took my measurements this morning... until I measured my body fat % with the trusty calipers. Down 3 points on last week and down a total of 8 points since I started. Could this mean I'm actually gaining the tiniest bit of muscle?!…
  • Abs today to make up for not doing it yesterday. Gnaarrgghh. No like. Think I need to give myself more of a warm-up if I'm working out first thing - my knees and hips were popping like mad through most of it. Think tomorrow might be a Tony Horton yoga routine instead of Stretch. I need something a bit... well, stretchier,…
  • Monnix39 - I used the "Harris-Benedict" equation (see: ) although there seems to be alternatives depending on BMI/what the weather's doing/what colour your car is. Not the most exciting sums, but from changing my calorie intake I feel much better and have more…
  • Hello again Cardio. I'm glad this is the last week in Alpha where I see you twice. :smile: My lack of coordination definitely hurts during the Speed & Agility sections, but what I lack in grace I make up for in flapping! Anyone else noticing any hints of definition in their torso? My gut definitely seems to be getting…
  • Total Body Hell was marginally more tolerable yesterday, but I reckon that's just because I'm getting better at knowing what Shaun T's talking about! Speed 1.0 wasn't too bad today. Still got the coordination of a dog on a polished floor, but I'm getting there!
  • It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
  • Always morning for me. Most of the time it's because my daughter is more agreeable to me ignoring her for 25 mins then! Oh the joys of being a stay at home dad... ;) Cardio done this morning - definitely an easier time of it than either day last week. Wonder if I'll be able to say the same about Total Body Hell tomorrow?
  • Right, I'll go first then. :) Weight: -2lbs (to 13st 11) Chest, Arms and Waist: All -0.5" Thighs: No change in size, but they definitely feel stronger and there is definitely a hint of definition around my knees now. For about 3 hours of work and being sensible with food, I'd call losing 2lbs and 1.5" a win!
  • Decided to hit Cardio again this morning after spending yesterday afternoon beating myself up. MUCH BETTER. Managed fewer modifications than on Monday and don't feel as dead afterwards. Is that a hint of muscle definition I can see on my legs? (Nope, it was a Twiglet :D )
  • Today didn't go well... Just about kept up with Lower Focus but only managed 13 minutes of cardio before my form went to hell. Need to rethink my plan of working out before lunch on these days I reckon (or - more realistically - do the second one on Saturdays instead for now). Oh well, just have to wait and see what…
  • That's what it's all about!
  • Today should've been called 'Shaun T's Ab HELL'. As per my entry on today: "Today I hate Shaun T. I'll love him when I take my next round of stats, but now? I hate him..."
  • Yeeaah... that sounds so fun... :\ Still, hopefully I'll have a fighting chance of getting at least one round of it right!
  • Ha, ditto! Total Body Circuit was a real tough one for me (I was even having trouble keeping up with Tania by about half way through). Sick thing is I'm kinda looking forward to doing it again next week...
  • Oh yes, my legs are aching like mad from the knees down. I'm sure it'll all be good once you get going today - I know that my aches usually disappear once I start working out again. Just got to convince the 2yo that she does actually want a nap so daddy can be murdered by Shaun T again! ;)
  • Started this yesterday, so experienced Speed 1.0 today. So glad there was no one else in the house - I must have looked like an octopus trying to dance. Anyone got any coordination to spare?
  • Oh my god! Why did no one warn me that Jillian Michaels is actually the Terminator?! Feels good though. One down, 29 to go. Good luck with L2 Christine. :)